Monday, July 1, 2013

A very special day on the Holy Mountain.....

Andechs Abbey is a Benedictine monastery that was built in 1450 on the site of an old castle on the Heiliger Berg or The Holy Mountain. People still make the religious pilgrimage up to the beautiful monastery on the Holy Mountain, and after the long and arduous climb, they naturally feel like quenching their thirst with an Andechser beer, brewed in the monastery’s brewery, which was founded in 1455. Little did I know that this bright Sunday was going to be very special- we were headed there to do more than pray or drink! This brewery is special in itself- it is one of the few that is still run by monks and has developed into a large popular brewery. The brewery, beer garden and restaurant provide funding for the entire monastery. The monks breed their own livestock and make their own cheese, which is served in the restaurant and beer garden. Obviously, Nathan knew what he was doing when he took me to this peaceful place, for it would only be fitting to be able to share a spectacular view, holy beer and farm raised food on the day he asked me to marry him.....and of course, I said yes!

First of all, I feel a little strange sharing the intimate details of our engagement on the internet- for I would love to tell everyone in person. But, being so far away- this is the best way to share our experience with those that we love. (I would love to call everyone I love to share the big news but it is $2.99 a minute so that will have to wait- haha). So here goes: we had been planning on spending the weekend alone together, for Nathan has been going non-stop with school and we have been traveling a lot with friends on the weekends. We had planned on going to Andechs if the weather was nice- and on Sunday we were really lucky to wake up for sunshine after a long week of cold rain. We took the train out to Herrsching- a lovely traditional Bavarian village in the green hills. The day was amazing, we laughed and hugged on the trip out there, admiring the beauty of the landscape and talking about how much we have grown to love the area. We walked up the hill, looked around and sat with a few German families while we shared a holy liter of beer in the sunshine. I knew it was going to be a good day. We then toured the monastery and ornate church. Nathan was acting a little giddy but I just thought he was being cute....

We then went outside to a beautiful overlook of the rolling Bavarian hills and the peaceful village below. I was taking a picture, then looked over and Nathan was on one knee. I was in shock as he pulled out a small wooden box (amazing adorable-perfect for me) and revealed a shiny engagement ring (it was his grandmother's ring- his maternal grandparents spent a long lifetime together until she passed away recently). He asked me to marry him, I said yes and I started crying and we held each other. It was simple and emotional- it was a moment we had both been waiting for a long time. 

We asked an older German couple to take a photo of us, and after an awkward exchange (the crying, hugging and excitement must of really been confusing them- haha) they took a picture. I have never been so surprised and happy. I was totally unprepared physically- make-up less, wearing tennis shoes and an oversized t-shirt, but it made it all the better- for Nathan loves me for me. He told me he had brought the ring along and had it with him on this trip the entire time- and was just waiting for the perfect time to propose. This is almost unbelievable to me- I thought I could not be surprised. haha It was perfect timing- for this experience is ending soon. We are so lucky to have so much to look forward to!

And then we did as expected- celebrate with hugs, kisses, good food and great beer at Andechs and then at the shore of the Bavarian lakes! It was simply a perfect day- I am still so incredibly excited. I had trouble sleeping last night because I kept replaying the events of the day over and over in my head. 

Stayed tuned- my mom is coming to Europe for the first time in 26 years next week and we have so much to celebrate! We love you all and cannot wait to share all of these stories in person very soon!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Woohooo!! Best engagement ever!! I'm so excited for the two of you and can't wait for you to get home to celebrate. xoxo, KQS

  3. Salutations and Congratulations!
    Sounds like a most magical moment
    I am happy to see you so happy
