Friday, March 8, 2013

New Glarus Brewing

Siebel took Nathan and his colleagues to Wisconsin to tour Briess Malting facility a few weeks ago via bus. The trip was complete only after they stopped before the Wisconsin border and Nathan bought some aged cheddar and 80 bucks worth of New Glarus Beer!

 The New Glarus Brewing Company was founded in 1993 by Deborah Carey (making her the first woman in the United States to found and operate a brewery) and her husband Dan Carey.They are known for their well balanced "session"beers and fruit beers- winning numerous awards! Dan was the valedictorian at Siebel Academy in 1987 (hopefully Nathan will follow in his footsteps) after studying brewing and food science at UC Davis in California. He then interned in Munich and worked for Anheuser-Busch before opening the brewery. 

We had heard great things about these beers and after trying them, I can truly say they live up to their reputation. I love fruit beers, so I knew I would be in for a treat!  The slightly sour Serendipity "an experimental fruit ale" was a bit too tart for Nathan's taste, but I enjoyed the tart cherry and cranberry flavors that paired with apple fruit sweetness. Both this beer and the Raspberry Tart I mentioned in an earlier post were perfect in carbonation and body- they danced lightly on your tongue and did not leave a syrup like residue which I have experienced with other fruit ales in the past. The Spotted Cow- their most lucrative creation for good reason- is also amazing. The Spotted Cow is a light and refreshing cloudy farmhouse ale brewed with corn. It is incredibly light and drinkable with a full malty flavor. We also really enjoyed the Two Women- a crisp classic country lager and the Honey Bock- truly the best Bock I have ever tasted! 

All of the beers we tried were great - their carbonation, head retention and aroma are examples of perfection (there are too many to bore you with details about all of them). They are a great example of well balanced beer that leaves you satisfied yet craving more....too bad they have made a point to only distribute in Wisconsin. If you ever head to Chicago or Madison stop by the brewery- I hear it is a beautiful magical little place on the top of a hill! 

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