Friday, March 8, 2013

What has been going on.....

So- it has been a little while since I have posted anything on the blog. After 5 weeks of cold Chicago life, I can definitely say we have settled in and life has become well- predictable- once again. Nathan has gotten into a regular school and study routine and I have gotten used to my job and getting up at 5:30 in the morning to get there on time! ( If you know me well- you know that I am not great at waking up early, so this has been a challenge and I am proud to say I can actually do it!) While I am making money, and Nathan is learning a lot- we do miss home and are getting excited to set off again and experience something different in Munich. (It is a sunny 43 degrees outside today- which helps with the home sickness and cold windy blues).

Enough of that- anyway- last weekend got a little crazy fun! Last Friday, I met Nathan and some of his friends for drinks and food at Goose Island for lunch. Then they toured Revolution Brewing Company, I met them for a few pints and then we headed back to the "Beer Stube" (the small bar at the brewing school) afterwards. Nathan and I then went home early and ate greasy cheeseburgers from Five Guys because I had to get up at 5:30 and go to work Saturday.

The next afternoon, we went to the Brewhaha Chicagoland beer festival in Bridgeport (the old Irish neighborhood south of the loop). There, we indulged in laughs with his friends, tasters of many local companies and an amazing view of the city. I  was not blown away with any one company in particular. (Honestly, I think my extrovert self was finally getting some "party" time and the beer took a back seat to chatting with people.) After making fun of the security guard - to his face -and peeing in the parking lot because there were not enough bathrooms, we headed to a little placed called Maria's.

This is one of those awesome places that is totally off the radar (we would of never found it but the locals in the group lead us there). It was a quaint old place in the middle of a residential area with a beer store in front and a bar in back. It was cozy, quaint and they made a really good classic cocktail with Bulliet Rye. We should of stopped there but after a few more drinks, and a few more deep conversations (I love em), we headed in a cab to a huge Irish pub downtown. (I wish for the life is me I could remember more of the experience- much less the name of the place). Anyway- I remember it being huge- with multiple levels and it being very authentic. It was great! All in all, it was a long crazy day but we were safe in bed passed out by 9pm! Of course, we paid with headaches and laziness on Sunday, but we did some quality bonding with some of Nathan's beer friends and it was definitely a fun time. Lastly, we ended the weekend but some amazing Thai food at Thai Palace close to our apartment. Nathan got this incredible spicy catfish red curry recommended by our server, and I some fried wontons and chicken soup- the best way to cure any hangover!

Mid- week we took a break from work and school and made it uptown to Hopleaf- a brewpub that specializes in Belgian beers and Belgian pub cuisine. They have a great draft selection and great atmosphere. We had their signature dish- mussels and frites- and a salmon salad. The mussel serving was huge (I think it was a bit under salted) and the salmon salad was a bit strange- but it was definitely worth the trip and I would recommend it for any beer drinker in Chicago.

Sadly- my phone was on the outs during this entire weekend so I did not get any good pictures- I had to borrow them from the internet. It is finally back in action- thank god- and I will be taking many more pictures this upcoming weekend as we finally head downtown and make it to all the Chicagoland tourist attractions. Nathan flies to Munich on the 23rd and I will be there soon after him, so we are running out of time!

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